In this session, we will be using the following advanced energy systems Kundalini Reiki – Bioenergy field Clearing/Attunement – Akashic Records to tap into your ENERGY and EMOTIONAL field to fine tune, clear, balance and harmonize these fields bringing a greater expansion to the self-work you are already doing.
We will be working with your energy centers to open, balance and harmonize these centers which will assist in releasing unbalanced energy and emotions stored in the field, conduct an etheric body clearing removing built up toxins in the bioenergy field. You will also receive an energy attunement and upgrade as guided by the higher-self, receive tools to assist you after the session and guidance through your Akashic Records that will propel you forward on your journey bringing harmony, balance, healing and transformation.
In this session we will look at but not limited to:
• Unbalanced Physical Energy / Energy Centers / Auric Field
• Physical Pain
• Mental / Emotional Challenges
• Relationships, Family, Partners
• Past Life Trauma
• Negative life patterns & Beliefs
• Dimensional Field Disruption
• Ascension Symptoms
• Trapped Emotions, Heart Walls
• And other areas you may need assistance with
The sessions will be conducted via zoom videoconference. A PayPal invoice will be sent out upon registration.
Session special: Self-investment - $65
If you would like to REGISTER for a session, or have any questions, please email me at:
Please place in your email-message "Advanced Energy Session"
I am here to assist in helping you light the path to your personal power! Blessings and Transformation