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HEAL - Christ-Centered Healing

Pulling Back the layers to your original
healed blueprint



















We will create experiences that may cause trauma, pain, and discomfort. When resolution does not find its path, it weighs heavily on our thoughts and emotions, thus eventually moving into the physical body and manifesting as a ‘dis-ease,' a state of unease or imbalance, disrupting our natural ease and well-being in many forms. We are unconsciously attracted to sin, guilt, fear, pain, and suffering. These unconscious beliefs we hold onto become the stories that define us and keep us trapped in suffering mentally, emotionally, and physically. The more self-aware you become of your unconscious mind, the more empowered you can become to heal the mind, body, and world around you.




Healing. How is it accomplished? Healing is not of the body but of the mind. The body will heal itself when the mind understands there is no sickness. The body only follows what the mind is unconsciously telling it to do. Therefore, the mind becomes the cause, and the body and world become the effects of what the mind projects into the world and onto the body. The body, a powerful communication device, is always speaking to you. We tend not to want to listen to what it is saying because our minds always want to blame its faultiness outside of us. But as you become more self-aware, you gain the power to heal the mind, body, and world around you.




In our Christ-Centered healing sessions, we will work together to uncover the blocks to love's awareness and healing. I will guide you to feel, experience, and embrace Christ's present light, helping you heal every aspect of your life. This approach peels back the layers to reveal the truth about who we are, empowering us to heal ourselves. As a visual aid, I will share an image/diagram I received during a personal healing that took place. This powerful tool has been instrumental in my healing journey and has since been shared with others. The unique benefits of Christ-centered healing, such as its comprehensive nature and long-lasting results, set the methods I have tried apart from others. 



Suppose you want to work on your energy centers (chakras) and energy in general. In that case, the Christ-Centered Template Healing fully adjusts, balances, and aligns these centers and energy fields without any gimmicks or manipulation of this innate intelligence. We typically try to balance each individual energy center to bring them into alignment, which is another form of separation. Not in this work. Once you have experienced and practiced this, you can release all control or try to fix your field of energy and centers because it is automatic.



What Your Session Holds:

  • Understanding the True Nature of Your Healing

  • How to use the Christ Template to heal anything

  • Fully align and balance your energy centers and energy field

  • Take a look at physical and mental-emotional symptoms

  • Understand the root cause of your discomfort

  • Learn how the mind is the cause of your suffering and how to change it

  • Step-by-step guidance to assist yourself in your Healing 

  • How to listen to what the body is saying to you

  • Visual diagram of the healing process through the Christ Template

  • How to look past the body & ego to see only your perfection & healing

  • Healing session that allows you to give & receive

  • Understanding & Healing of the mental-emotional body

  • How to become "thought" mindful


CURRENT RESULTS:  At the Physical, Mental-Emotional, and Spiritual Levels

You can use this healing for yourself and loved ones, and we’ve had amazing results with pets. Here are several personal and client results.

~ Hip surgery recovery 10x faster

~ Reduction of medications

~ Bee sting swelling and itch eliminated overnight

~ Rashes diminished and eliminated

~ Headaches eliminated

~ Head cold relieved

~ Nausea 

~ Menstrual Cramps eased & eliminated

~ Skin malformations dissolved 

~ Lower back pain reduced & resolved

~ Healing of pets

~ Mindful clarity & peace

~ Relationship healing

~ Physical, mental-emotional & spiritual upgrades


* Results will vary depending on one’s willingness to heal* There is no order of difficulty in working on any area of one's life, be it physical, mental-emotional, relationships, or spiritual. 


Once we understand the body, what it is used for, and the mind that created the body and its experiences, we can heal ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us. This is not some new fad spiritual modality but the remembrance of the True Self as the eternal Christ, perfect, whole, and complete. We have a choice: pain or peace, healed or unhealed. Are we ready to step off the cross of suffering, clear the darkness in our minds, heal our relationship with ourselves and others, and see healing from a new perspective? I will show you through my experience how to find and experience the Christ within and use this Light to shine the darkness away at any level. YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF! 



SINGLE SESSION: Your registration includes a one-on-one session. Approximately 1-1half hour meetup via zoom. We will look at the root cause of the discomfort you may be experiencing, bring insight and understanding of why you are choosing it, and we will work together on how to heal and transform your experience. I will show you how to create healing from this space so that you may begin to make new choices and bring healing to the mind, body, relationships and the world around you. We will finish with a complete healing session so that you may experience the healing power of the Christ within. 




LONG DISTANCE-REMOTE SESSION: If you are unable to make an in-person session, I offer a long distance remote session. In this session, you can choose a time to receive, or I can extend this healing and your Higher-Self will receive and deliver the healing and messages to you at the appropriate time. Once registered, I will contact you via email to ask you a few questions on where you are and what you would like me to work on. If you are gifting this to a friend or loved one. I will extend the healing needed by connecting to their Higher-Self. They will not need to do anything, as the healing will extend to them at the level they are ready to receive. 





Your registration includes TWO one-hour sessions. The first session will determine your current status and what you want to work on. We will look at the root cause of the discomfort you may be experiencing, bring insight and understanding of why you are choosing it, and experience complete healing through the Christ Template. This will give you time to be able to work with the Christ Template until our second session. The second session will continue the first session; ask questions and discuss your results, allowing you to fully understand how to embrace and empower your healing and use this template in your everyday life. You will leave this session with a clear understanding of healing yourself and others and how to heal every aspect of your life. 


Sessions will be conducted via Zoom, and a recording will be available if you would like one. Once you register, I will email you to set up our first session. If you have any questions, please email me at:




This healing session does not replace any medical or psychological diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. It does not diagnose conditions or perform medical treatments of any kind and will not interfere with the treatment of any medical professional. Please seek medical advice first when necessary. This workshop is an alternative to your current therapy and self-work, if any.



We would not be here in this experience if we did not have something to heal. We are all patients seeking the correct physician. So, who is the actual physician we seek? The “mind” of the patient. “Physician, Heal Thyself.” The body and mind can heal. The only thing that stops us is our beliefs. 


  • Are you tired of always trying to “fix” your health, mindset, and the world around you?

  • Are you ready to take the reins of your healing journey, no matter the form?

  • Are you ready to fully embrace your authentic and original Holy Self, heal every aspect, and actively participate in healing your mind, body, and the world you created?

Select an item ($)

We will be in touch shortly after checkout with more information and instructions to set up your session!

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